Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University to major in Aviation Flight and minor in Aviation Management to become a Corporate Pilot
Advice: "Get involved! Join a variety of clubs, participate in dress up days, go to sporting events; try everything! You might surprise yourself in what you enjoy doing. "
Favorite memory of HS: Advancing to State for Track in the Triple Jump
Favorite HS Class: "My favorite class throughout high school was Band, but a close second was my sophomore year, Chemistry class."
Future Plans: Attend the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign adn major in Music.
Advice: "My advice would be to keep up with the schoolwork, but also make sure that you allow yourself to have fun and enjoy your time in high school because it goes by so quickly."
Favorite HS Memory: Our 2023 senior sunrise (that the sun was already up for).
Favorite HS Class: Band and Biology
Future Plans: Attend Highland Community College to major in Nursing and then transfer to a University.
Advice: "Don't procrastinate."
Favorite HS Memory: Building our class homecoming floats every year